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Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

It is that time of year when the Christmas decorations begin to come out and people raid the grocery store for pumpkin puree and butter. One can almost hear the helium being pumped into balloons for the Thanksgiving parade, and families are getting out their pigskins for some good-natured family football games. The holidays are officially here!

We are Thankful for Healthcare Professionals

The holidays mark an interesting time for those in the healthcare profession. Many work on or around days others are taking off, and unfortunately those providing care in hospitals see an increase in patients during this time of year. For many Americans, the holidays are filled with thoughts of cozy fires and meals with friends and family. But for others, the holidays can be filled with sadness, anxiety, and loneliness, and many in the healthcare profession feel these things tenfold around this time of year.

With the deep stress left behind by the Covid-19 pandemic, and rising rates of the flu and other illnesses this winter season, those in the healthcare profession have been hit hard. At Cygnet, we want to take a moment to thank those who are working tirelessly in this (often) thankless profession. Without the tireless work of nurses, doctors, executives, and those in healthcare supporting roles we would be lost!

So from us at Cygnet: THANK YOU for all you do!

The Meaning of Thanksgiving

There is no doubt that the holidays are complicated, bringing both joy and sorrow. So, we at Cygnet would like to take a moment to pause and reflect on one aspect of the holiday season that may have been buried beneath the need for creative decorations, unique recipes, and hosting and travel plans: Gratitude.

Thanksgiving, the word literally in the name, is a time meant for us to gather with loved ones and to “give thanks” together. Research has found that this simple act of “giving thanks” not only positively impacts mood, but also decreases the body's stress response and strengthens cardiovascular health. So this holiday that has become famous for giant balloons taking over New York City, Football games, and so much stuffing is actually a great time to begin practicing gratitude! Not only is it good for you and your wellbeing, it is beneficial to your relationships and those around you!

So this season we are choosing to be grateful.

Cygnet's Gratitude List

  • Our fearless executive team, Roxane, Kelly, and Colleen, who lead us with grace and kindness.

  • Strong relationships with hardworking, creative professionals across the country.

  • Jobs that allow us to help talented individuals find the perfect professional fit.

  • Amazing clients who trust us to find them the perfect recruits

Tips for Making Thanksgiving Part of Your Everyday

But we would be remiss if we stopped there. Although pausing for a day to be grateful is helpful, we want to extend this season of gratitude past a single moment, meal, or post. This year we want to be full of gratitude, and we hope you will join us! Here are some ways you can easily add gratitude into your daily life:

  • Keep a Gratitude Journal - This is an excellent way to pause and connect with yourself. Not only is journaling an incredibly beneficial practice, but focusing on the moments of your day you experienced gratitude can help you destress and boost your overall well being

  • Try Saying Thank you Five Times a day - If you say thank you to a friend, partner, or colleague can strengthen that relationship. Telling someone you appreciate them or something they have done will not only fill you with feelings of goodwill, it will increase their mood as well.

  • Practice Gratitude Every Time You _______ - Find a visual cue and use that to remind yourself to think of something to be grateful for. It could be a sign you drive by on your commute to and from work, an accessory you wear everyday, an item that is on your desk, or any number of things. Every time you see this item or location, take a moment to pause and reflect on something you are grateful for.

The author of this article has chosen to write down one thing they are grateful for each day on a piece of origami paper and then fold it into a flower. The moment of pause at the end of each day to not only think about their day and write something positive (even on days when things were messy and hard) has increased their mood dramatically. For them, the act of folding the paper is a way to “seal in” the gratitude and memorialize it as something lovely and unique.

There is no "right" way to practice gratitude, because there are as many ways to be thankful as there are people!! Find something that works for you.

This holiday season, we hope that you take some time to truly be grateful; grateful for another day living, grateful for friends and family, grateful for incredible food and fond traditions. If the holidays are full of messy feelings for you, don’t worry. There is no “right” way to celebrate these seasons. But even among feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety, it is possible to find things to be grateful for.

You don’t have to do origami! But we hope you find something that helps you practice gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And from us at Cygnet, we are truly grateful for you!



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